A number of transcription options are available, both machine and human.

Machine transcription

It is our default model for all ASR transcription requests.

When no transcriber option is provided, or if the transcriber option is set to machine, transcription will be performed by the ASR model.

The transcriber option is ignored for non-English transcription requests

Human transcription

When the transcriber option is set to human, the audio file will be transcribed by a human. Since the job is handled by a human transcriber, the expected behavior differs from the ASR transcription services. Human transcription is only available for English transcription requests.

List pricing

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about pricing.

Turnaround time

The expected turnaround time is 12 to 24 hours for human transcription jobs.

Allowed content

Certain types of audio content that are considered unworkable by our transcribers will not be transcribed. Audio that consists of non-English or music may be considered unworkable. Valid audio consists primarily of spoken English.

Custom Vocabulary

Phrases from the custom vocabulary list (if available) are sent to the human transcriber as a glossary. This is limited to a maximum of 20 phrases and a maximum of 255 characters per phrase.

Additional request parameters



Rush charges apply.

Set the rush parameter to true to increase the priority of the job to be worked on by human transcribers.